Top 8 Best SPY Apps In 2021
It’s no secret that smartphones store a large amount of information. People use them not only to communicate but also to pay for purchases, control bank expenses, or order goods from online stores. Most users are confident that the information on their devices is securely protected. Unfortunately, this is far from the case.
Currently, technology is developing very quickly. Therefore, it’s easy to steal your bank card data, copy correspondence from messengers, and get access to social media accounts.
Numerous programs allow you to get remote access to information on any device. Commonly, their users are scammers, hackers, and cybercriminals. However, such programs are popular with couples seeking to catch each other in infidelity. Below we have compiled the top spy apps for tracking other devices.
Top 3 Best SPY Apps
We saved you time by testing the apps on our own and selecting the options that truly deserve your attention.
Dozens of app developers promise data privacy and the ability to install the app remotely to track the activity of a target device. Unfortunately, only a few of them really do their job. In many apps, you will have to spend hours managing the settings, risking attracting the attention of the end-user. Among other things, they are sometimes not compatible with the smartphone operating system at all.
Our dream team took the challenge seriously. To compile the list, we tested more than 20 of the most popular spy applications in search of ones that:
– Offer a unique feature above and beyond basic data collection;
– Work stealthily to users;
– Help you track devices both online and offline.
8 Best SPY Apps in 2021
A simple algorithm of use, an intuitive interface, and a wide range of features make mSpy irreplaceable. The app is especially helpful for parental control. Its popularity is proved by multiple positive reviews posted on trustworthy third-party platforms.
Free demo version.
SPYERA performs almost all the functions you would expect from a good spy app. Track the GPS location, look through text messages, and get access to the browser history in secret from the end-user.
Free 10 days money-back guarantee Cell phones with pre-installed SPYERA
With ClevGuard, you get access to numerous applications, where you can control the time of use and content. Track calls, browser activity, contacts, geolocation, calendar, app activity, and Wi-Fi usage.
30% off for long-term subscriptions.
SentryPC is a perfect spy app for both family use and business. The software is cloud-based, making it easier to implement and maintain. SentryPC displays all employee activity in one central location. Its simple search functions make it easy to find the data you need.
Free demo account
The uMobix spy app allows users to track Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Instagram, and other social media on the target device. Get unlimited access to messages, calls, GPS locations, and so on. Take advantage of a keylogger on Android OS that works without root.
Free trial
iKeyMonitor is the best parental control software for mobile phones. Track messages, calls, GPS locations, and frequently visited websites remotely.
Free basic plan 30-day Money-Back guarantee
Mobile Spy helps you monitor text messages, GPS locations, call details, photos, and social media activity in secret. View the screen and the location in live mode! With in-built application blocking, you can stop the usage of all or several apps.
Purchase 12 months and get 3 months SniperSpy free of charge
TheOneSpy has lots of remote functions that provide you with information on the end-user. It works imperceptibly and gives you the ability to control the target device environment. Get access to the microphone and cameras to listen to the surroundings!
Save 50% by choosing one of the annual plans.
The spyware market has a large number of offers to suit every taste and budget. To prepare the list of the top 8 spy apps, we conducted thorough research. Our goal was to understand whether there are such applications that can be installed remotely. The team of myth busters coped with the task with a bang! Amazing but true: you do need access to the target device anyway.
When choosing an app, keep in mind that secretly installing the one on someone else’s device leads to certain consequences.
What Is a Spy App?

Spy application, or spyware, is one of the most common types of software designed to collect unauthorized data from a user’s device. Most of these programs are legal and are available in the official app stores. Their goal is to track the location, browser history, calls, etc. As a rule, spyware can cause leakage of confidential data and violation of privacy.
What Are The Types of Spyware?
Tracking programs, or trackers, collect data from the device and forward it to third parties. It shares your location, browsing history, documents, contact lists, and frequently visited websites. Often, trackers are used by managing directors to monitor employees and parents to control their children. Of course, they are also popular with fraudsters and cybercriminals. Trackers can be integrated into browsers’ toolbars produced by search engines and large Internet portals.
Keyloggers are special programs that record keystrokes on the target device’s keyboard. With its help, third parties can get user’s credentials, bank card data, or any other information.
Both trackers and keyloggers can be installed on a smartphone, laptop, and other gadgets. Their purpose is the unauthorized collection of information from the device. Quite often, spyware is used to collect marketing information and profile users for targeted ad serving. Did you spend a couple of hours on the Nike website? Then you will definitely get an ad suggesting you a pair of Air Max on Instagram!

What Features Do The Spy Apps Have?⚡
There is a basic set of functions that all spyware programs have. It includes:
– Audio recording of phone conversations. Hence, all calls from the target device begin to be tracked in your account.
– Tracking incoming and outgoing messages. Text messages are saved on the server in the same way as conversations are saved.
– Determining the location of the end-user. The app receives the location and sends it to the Internet server with a set frequency.
The extended list of functions includes:
– A voice recorder. This function allows you to record the sound of the phone’s environment.
– Application control. So, you can track all the data from messengers, mailbox, and Internet browsers.
– Access to multimedia. You can manage photo and video files from a controlled device.
– Remote control. This feature allows you to block various programs, manage settings, and so on.
– A keylogger. Thanks to this function, you can receive the user’s username and password, the texts of sent messages, etc.
Of course, this is not a complete list. It is worth noting that often not all the features available on Android devices also work on iOS.

How to Prevent Spy App Installation?⚙
Spying apps are dangerous for privacy. Numerous utilities can be found in the public domain and the official app stores. The OS, browsers, and hardware have built-in and enabled spyware by default, which is secret for ordinary users. To protect yourself from spyware, you need to perform 7 simple actions:
?Install a firewall and monitor the network activity of installed programs.
?Check the privacy settings of your device and browsers. Do not forget to disable unnecessary functions.
?Block the installation of third-party applications. Often, spyware leaks into the smartphone with the owner’s permission, along with other applications. With the help of your phone settings, you can protect yourself from these unwelcome programs.
?Periodically view the list of installed programs and delete unidentified or rarely used ones. Most often, spyware gets into the smartphone when installed through the browser. If you use the official Play Market and AppStore apps, the risk is reduced significantly.
?Set a strong password. No matter how many gadgets and software developers warn, most users are extremely careless. Typical passwords such as `1234`, the year of birth, or the nickname of your cat don’t work out. Use them once, and grant the money earned the hard way to hackers. Password security is achieved by using not only a combination of letters but also numbers and characters. Of course, you can try a complex password, like DkG#n1*7M<pY. However, it is impossible to remember it. Storying it on the smartphone would also be a huge mistake. A good password generator can come in handy. As a last resort, we recommend that you write down usernames and passwords on a piece of paper and store it in a highly secured place.
?Do not disable the phone lock! Lock your devices, especially if you are in a public place, for example, in the office. Also, the phone lock might be helpful if you tend to forget your stuff in a taxi, at a party, or behind the bar. The disabled lock allows everyone to instantly copy all the information stored in the gadget’s memory. Messages, passwords, search requests, photos, and videos-everything will leak into the wrong hands.
?Download the antivirus to protect your smartphone. As soon as new viruses and spy apps appear, programmers puzzle over the antidote. There are numerous harmful programs, but installing a good antivirus can sort out a problem quickly. However, some people are not satisfied with such programs as they slow down the operation of the device.

“So many people live their lives on their phones, storing their personal information and recording almost everything they do, that cell phones have now become a prime target for spying software.”
Kaspersky Lab, the global cybersecurity company
Frequently Asked Questions
We strongly recommend installing spyware only with the permission of the device owner. There is no official law banning the use of spy apps yet. However, stealing passwords and listening to phone conversations is a violation of privacy.
Yes. However, it depends on the application itself. The best spy apps mentioned in the rating above work stealthily.
No. If you want to install spyware on an end-user device, you need physical access. What is more, either user’s credentials or installation on the device are required.
Yes. However, it again depends on the type of the application. Please note that access is only granted if the spyware was already installed at the time.
Yes. Any client can unsubscribe from the package and delete the application. For more information, please contact your developer.
How do I detect a spy app on my device?
Pay attention to the performance
Did you notice that the performance of your device has deteriorated dramatically? Are there any slowdowns or frequent crashes and freezes? If the answer is positive, you do have problems.
Check your settings
Have your settings changed without your consent? If a new home page suddenly opens in your browser or unusual icons appear on the desktop, the reason may be a spy app.
Monitor messages and notifications
Do you receive strange text messages or notifications? The sudden appearance of pop-ups or bug reports may indicate the presence of spyware.

Spy apps have become very popular. These applications are in high demand with parents, couples, managing directors, and cybercriminals.
There are two main types of spyware – trackers and keyloggers.
The basic functions of a spy app help you get access to text messages, calls, and locations. The advanced package includes a voice recorder, access to multimedia, remote control, and a keylogger.
Pay attention to your mobile phone’s performance, settings, and notifications to detect the presence of a spy app.
To prevent the installation of spyware on your device, follow the list of tips mentioned above.